Digital Equity Plan
The Office of Digital Opportunity is working to ensure that all North Carolinians can afford a high-speed internet subscription and have the devices and skills necessary to participate in the digital economy. We have created a comprehensive North Carolina Digital Equity Plan with significant feedback from individuals, organizations, and communities across the state that have been excluded from digital opportunity. The five-year plan identifies digital equity needs and recommends solutions.
Read the State Digital Equity Plan
The final plan that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration approved is posted below. The draft plan was previously made available for public comment, and we integrated the feedback received into this final plan.
Digital Equity Assets Across the State
We are continuing to collect information about all organizations offering services that help people get online across the state. We want to learn about organizations, businesses, and programs that support internet affordability, access to computers and digital devices, digitals skills and literacy, tech support, and free Wi-Fi. We will publish this information publicly and use it to identify assets and gaps across the state.
If you do not see a known asset, resource of organization in the above list, please submit details about it through the form below.