The N.C. Department of Information Technology administers grant and funding programs that further the deployment of broadband infrastructure, digital inclusion planning and digital literacy across North Carolina.
Federally Funded Programs
The plan to close the digital divide in North Carolina invests more than $1 billion in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and leverages significant private sector investment to address infrastructure, access and digital literacy. The state is also participating in a number of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law programs that will bring additional federal funding for high-speed internet access and digital opportunity programs.
BEAD and Digital Equity Programs
Provides federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to expand high-speed internet access through planning, infrastructure deployment and adoption programs via the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program and to ensure all North Carolinians can afford high-speed internet, have the digital devices they need and the skills to use them, and are able to safely engage with online information .
GREAT Grant (Federal)
Provides federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to broadband service providers to deploy broadband infrastructure to unserved areas of eligible economically distressed counties
Completing Access to Broadband (CAB) Program
Provides federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to create partnerships between each participating county and NCDIT for a competitive bidding process to build infrastructure and provide service to unserved areas
Broadband Pole Replacement Program
Provides federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to broadband service providers for eligible pole replacement costs in unserved areas
Broadband Stop Gap Solutions Program
Provides federal American Rescue Plan Act funds for solutions for households unserved or underserved with broadband following investment from the GREAT grant program and the CAB program
Digital Opportunity Grant Program
Provides federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to create transformational change by helping North Carolinians afford high-speed internet, obtain digital devices and get access to digital literacy courses so they can safely and effectively participate in today’s digital economy
State Fiscal Recovery Funds
Provided funding to eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency and its negative economic impacts
Capital Project Funds
Provides funding to eligible state, territories, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency and its negative economic impacts
Other Resources
State-Funded Grants
Federal Grant Opportunities
- E-Rate, School and Libraries USF Program
- Farm Bill Broadband Program
- Health Innovation Funding Sources
- Rural Business Development Grants
- Telecommunications Infrastructure Loan Program
Nonprofit and Foundation Grant Opportunities